Lensatic compass in great orange & black box
Yes, the compass is in there too! It’s your “direction protection” haha. But I think the box is just great for Halloween orange and black display. If you wanna use it to get unlost in the woods too, more power to ya! The box has been repaired with tape.
Yes, the compass is in there too! It’s your “direction protection” haha. But I think the box is just great for Halloween orange and black display. If you wanna use it to get unlost in the woods too, more power to ya! The box has been repaired with tape.
Yes, the compass is in there too! It’s your “direction protection” haha. But I think the box is just great for Halloween orange and black display. If you wanna use it to get unlost in the woods too, more power to ya! The box has been repaired with tape.